Who Will Cry When You Die by Robin Sharma - shopfun4

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Who Will Cry When You Die by Robin Sharma

Who Will Cry When You Die by Robin Sharma Book Review

Table of Contents

  • Summary
  • Overview
  • Quotes by Robin Sharma
  • Final Verdict


Who will Cry when you Die is one of the best self-help book by Robin Sharma. This is also one of the best seller book by Robin Sharma.
This book will help you to learn how to lead life with purpose. Robin Sharma told in this book that how you can impact your surrounding world, so that they can feel the cavity created by your death and the loss due to your death.
In short Robert Kiyosaki has explained what you should do to impact people arround you and let them generate good thoughts about you. 
Who Will Cry When You Die has total three stages of three parts, with which Robin Sharma has explained their thoughts,
  1. Practicing Self Descipline and Maintaining Your Perspective will bring you success and Happy Life
  2. Be Honest with other people and learn to deal positively with failure for happy life.
  3. Reward Yourself with Regular Breaks.
1. Practicing Self Descipline and Maintaining Your Perspective will bring you success and Happy Life.
There are many things in life to enjoy other than the birth. Your first cry were rejoicing once.
According to Robin Sharma those emotions are the once which guides us as we moves to adulthood. At the end we should leave this world as satisfied and happy. That way when others comes to know that we are not in between them, their tears will be of joy rather than sadness. 
There are few rules to follow, they will help you to those will beneficial for you as wel as for peoples around you.
The first of these rules is Maintaining Your Perspective. We must have a perspective. Most of the peoples see's this as a hardest thing, but you don't need to delve into depth of your psyche. 
The next rule and the most important one is Self-Discipline. If you master it, it will lead to happy life.  Descipline makes your life more easier. It will also help you with your social status too.
2. Be Honest with other people and learn to deal positively with failure for happy life.
There are many peoples promises thing that they will definitely doo, but couldn't keep up with their promises.
Breaking promises won't lead you to happy life, you will loose your image and value amongst the people arround you. 
You should adopt an honest approach towards the people.
3. Reward Yourself with Regular Breaks.
We always keeps running not even stopping to take a breath in our lives. We are not living, we just running through it. So take your time and get relaxed for sometime by taking breaks.
Sometimes you needs to reconsider your priorities. Otherwise you will be a puppet, acting accordingly others demand and wishes.
If you find whats important to you in your life, then your life will more meaningful.


Who Will Cry When You Die is one of my favourite books by Robin Sharma. This book has arround 220 pages in it. The plot is divided into 101 chapters or pars. I read this book in single seating.
I have already read few self help books like How To Win Friends And Influence People Arround You by Dale Carnegie, but this is a different book. 
The title of this book is very catchy. Anyone can attract towards this book by reading its title only. This book has total 101 chapters as mentioned above and each chapter has a life lesson for readers.
Who Will Cry When You Die is all about those tiny lessons with which we can have a happy life. These different lessons makes this book inspiring and unique. 
This book is guide to find what makes us happy and Robin Sharma has explained this with a simple understandable language. He has covered all tiny details in this book, like when you should wake up and how you should spend your rest of the day. 
Robin Sharma tried to teach readers how you find peace and happiness in small daily activities. A small book like this or a movie can be a life-changing event for you, whe we should live a day like its our last and many more things.
We know everything but still we don't do anything about it. Who Will Cry When You Die will teach you how you should live your life. We are running behind something which we don't even like, so take a break and think about what you are doing with your life, ask a question to yourself Are You Happy With This? you will find answers of everthing. 

Quotes by Robin Sharma

  • How high you will rise in your life will be determined not by how hard you work but by how well you think
  • Wisdom is knowing what to do next, skill is knowing how to do it, and virtue is doing it
  • Forgiving someone who has wronged you is actually a selfish act rather than a selfless one.
  • pain is a teacher and failure is the highway to success
  • He who asks may be a fool for five minutes. He who doesn’t is a fool for a lifetime
  • if you have failed more than others, there is a very good chance you are living more completely than others

Final Verdict

Who Will Cry When You Die is one of the best book by Robin Sharma. This book will teach you to know more about living your life also this book will teach you how to grow your social value at the same time.
Robin Sharma has given proper guide to achieve happiness in life. We must have to take time from this race of life and live it like we want to instead of thinking always about our surrounding peoples. 
Robin Sharma has done great work with this book. I strongly recommend this book to everyone. Just go through this book and try to understand what exactly Robin Sharma wants to say.

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