Second Chance by Robert Kiyosaki | Book Review - shopfun4

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Second Chance by Robert Kiyosaki | Book Review

Second Chance by Robert Kiyosaki

Table of Content

  • Summary
  • Overview
  • Weaknesses
  • Strengths
  • Quotes from Second Chance by Robert Kiyosaki
  • Short Story


Robert Kiyosaki is one of mine favorite authors. I already have read few books written by this great businessman. Their books have always something unique to teach their readers. Like in Rich dad poor dad or in their other books.
Robert Kiyosaki's is mainly know for their novel Rich Dad Poor Dad. Also their other novels got too much fame and attention by readers, like Fake: Fake Money Fake Teacher and Fake Assets. You can read about both of these on our blog.
Second Chance was published in 6 January 2015. This is the latest book of Robert Kiyosaki. They haven't come up with their next book yet. 
In Second Chance Robert Kiyosaki explained their financial view on Past, Present and Future. He has also elaborated few concepts from Rich Dad Poor Dad. 
Robert Kiyosaki divided this book in three sections: Past, Present and Future. 
In the Section of Past, Robert Kiyosaki has represented the problems with our current world and our current situations. He then explained what actions should be taken in present to overcome the past and achieve the goal to reach financial independence in Present section. In Future section he presented the plans to accomplish our desires in future. 
Second Chance basically ask you to prepare for crysis and shows the way to do the same.


Second Chance is one of the finest book by Robert Kiyosaki. I think if you want to improve your wealth condition then you must follow the steps and rules told by Robert Kiyosaki in Second Chance.
As we all know about Robert Kiyosaki, he again questioned our current education system and our taxation methods. He explained these things point wise in Second Chance. 
    1. The Past
Robert Kiyosaki says that the New wealth is not a cash but the knowledge has taken the place of wealth now. He also questioned current monetary systems. 
According to Robert United states runs on the Engine of Middle Class. Middle class plays the measure part in USAs growth. 
Robert Kiyosaki didn't stopped there, according to him there are two types of people, one who has more assets and other who has high paying jobs. One works for money and in other case Money works for the one.
Now in further plot, Robert Kiyosaki covered few terms from their other book like Rich Dad Poor Dad. The difference between assets and liabilities and other stuffs.
Robert Kiyosaki asked their readers to go out and invest in assets rather than liabilities. He also introduced new concepts like Boomerang Generation, Cooperation Vs Compitition, General Principle of Ephemeralization and many more.
Robert Kiyosaki also explained the concept of Cash Flow in details.

2. The Present

This is the 2nd part of the book Second Chance. Robert Kiyosaki presented their thoughts about second chance in the Present section.

Now according to Robert Kiyosaki this 2nd chance is for only those who are willing to under go a Change From Within. Robert Kiyosaki explained the way to change your thought process. 

I am here only listing the names of those chapters. 

  1. The opposite of Go to School
  2. The opposite of don't make Mistakes
  3. The opposite of get good grades
  4. The opposite of get a good job
  5. The opposite of get out of Debt
  6. The opposite of live below your means
  7. The opposite of don't cheat
  8. The opposite of the rich are greedy
  9. The opposite of investing is risky
  10. The opposite of save money
Robert Kiyosaki explained these topics in brief in Second Chance, which is of 400 pages. 

3. The Future

Now this is the last part of the book Second Chance. In this section Robert Kiyosaki ask their readers to be opportunist and always look for the way to improve the world we live in.
Robert Kiyosaki finished this book by suggesting questions to ask our selves.
  1.  If I connect the dots of my past, where is my future going?
  2. When I was a kid, what questions did I want answered?
  3. What do I see that needs to be done, that no one else is doing?
  4. What cause am I willing to be hungry and foolish for?
  5. How much good is my work doing for the world?

Weaknesses of Second Chance

  • I think the concept of Second Chance is not explained that well by Robert Kiyosaki
  • For some instances Robert Kiyosaki turned towards the politics.

Strengths of Second Chance

  • As Robert Kiyosaki is one of the best author he kept good balance between practical and theoretical concepts.
  • Robert wrote this book in very good writing style.
  • I found Second Chance very inspirational and motivational book.
Quotes by Robert Kiyosaki

  • Instead of looking for a job, look for problems that need to be solved
  • Knowledge is the new money
  • Words have the power to make you rich or poor. If you want to be rich, learn the words that will prepare you for it. Best of all, ... words don't cost you
  • We need an educational system that teaches people to learn from their mistakes, rather than punishes them for making them
  • Instead of living below their means, people should learn to expand their possibilities in order to enjoy a more fulfilling life
Short Story

Second Chance is one of the best books by Robert Kiyosaki. The key points of this books are the current scenario of our education system, why we are lacking in our financial growth and how we can improve these things.
Second Chance is divided into three sections. Past, Present and future. Robert Kiyosaki explained each section in brief.
At the end this book will change your overall thinking. It will show you a different perspective to see things. 
I hope you liked this.

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