Book Review | Atomic Habits by James Clear - shopfun4

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Book Review | Atomic Habits by James Clear

 Atomic Habits by James Clear


James Clear is an Author, Entrepreneur and a Photographer. This great author came up with a great book Atomic Habits. The book was originally published in 16 October 2018

Everyone wants to improve their life and everyone is working hard for that by making huge changes and taking hard steps. But you don't need to do that always, even you can make your life better by making small changes and taking small steps regularly. 
Atomic Habits guides you through all this process. How you can develop good habits and how you can make small but effective changes in your daily life to make your life better. This is not just a book which will make your life better just after you finished reading but it is about daily practice and a long process. 
We always repeat bad habits again and again because we don't want to change. Change is always hard thing. And this happens because of that wrong system or "Habits" you have developed throughout your life. And Atomic habit is the guide for developing good or right habits.


The Atomic Habits is divided in 20 chapters. Each and every chapter contains a new lesson or a new habit for readers. It also educates readers how they can get rid of from their bad habits (which I think is a necessary part). James Clear did great work by breaking these habits into small headers like Make it obvious, Make it easy, Make it attractive, Make it invisible, Make it difficult, Make it unattractive etc. Breaking these habits is a good thing. It made me easy to understand, remember and note down these important points. 
Each of the chapter in this book contains summary at the end. Which makes it easy to take notes and remind the whole chapter incase you need it in future. Writting summary at the end is always a good habit and also it is the sign of a good and experienced author.  
As we all know that everything comes with good as well as bad things. Like wise good habits also comes with their own downsides. The last chapter of the book talks about the downside of the good habits. You can see the honesty of author. No one really like to talk about the boad things of their suggestions or their research. James Clear wrote this book with their daily experience and he clearly know that these habits have good as well as their own downside and he didn't shy talking about it which makes him a great and honest author.
I can see the Author is very clear about their intentions. He clearly mentioned the techniques for developing good habits. 

What readers will get from the Atomic Habits

James Clear told the way to stop Procrastinating by following Two Minute Rule. 

The Two Minute Rule 

  • "Read before bed each night" becomes "Read one page"
  • "Do 30 minutes of Yoga" becomes "Take out my yoga mat"
  • "Study for class" becomes "Open my notes"
  • "Fold the laundry" becomes "Fold one pair of socks"
  • "Run three miles" becomes "Tie my shoes"
The author also mentioned the Four habits or Four laws of behaviour change those we can use to build better habits, those are:
  1. Make it obvious
  2. Make it attractive
  3. Make it easy
  4. Make it satisfying
I think the James Carter mentioned their thoughts very clearly. The information in this book is in the form of points. 
I don't feel like the book is misleading at any point. The motive is very clear and straight forward. 
James Carter took help of few quotes to explain their points. I am mentioning few of them below.

Quotes from Atomic Habits by James Carter

  • Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity
  • You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems
  • You should be far more concerned with your current trajectory than with your current results
  • When you fall in love with the process rather than the product, you don’t have to wait to give yourself permission to be happy. You can be satisfied anytime your system is running
  • Goals are good for setting a direction, but systems are best for making progress
There are many more things to talk about. But this is just a simple Review of Atomic Habits. You have to read the book to know more about it. 

Short overview

In short the Atomic Habits filled with different ideas, techniques, processes and rules which will help you to overcome from your bad habits and to develop new good habits which will eventually improve your lifestyle.
James Clear mentioned all information in steps or you can say point wise so readers can easily understand amd adapt them. It won't take you too long to read this book. It is compact and simple. 

Feel free to comment your thoughts about Atomic Habits in comment section. 


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